Getting Started

To set up AI Personal Assistant for your email, click on the AI Personal Assistant tab in the left sidebar. Or visit this link.

Instructing Your AI Assistant

  1. You’ll see a text area where you can type instructions for your AI assistant.
  2. To help you get started, there are example instructions on the right side of the page.
  3. Click on these examples to add them to your instructions, or type your own custom directions.
  4. You can combine multiple instructions to create a comprehensive email management strategy.
  5. Once you’re satisfied with your rules, click Save.

The AI will convert your instructions into specific rules, which you can view and edit on the Rules page.


On the Rules page, you can view and edit your rules.

When you save your prompt the rules will be automatically created for you. But you can also decide to create rules manually.

How Rules Work

Rules are broken into two parts:

  1. The condition to match against.
  2. The action to take when the AI finds a match.

If the condition is met, the AI will take the action (or suggest to take the action if you’ve disabled Automated mode).


There are three types of conditions:

  • AI: Write an instruction for the AI to match against the email.
  • Static: Match against a static value: From, To, or Subject.
  • Group: Match against a group of emails.

AI Conditions

You can write an instruction for the AI to match against the email.

For example:

Apply this rule if this email is asking me to set up a call.

When an email is received, the AI will use the prompt to determine if the email matches the condition.

Static Conditions

You can match against a static value: From, To, or Subject.

For example:


This will match against any email that has in the From field.

Group Conditions

You can match against a group of emails.

This works in a similar fashion to the Static Conditions, but you set multiple values.

We offer two pre-defined groups:

  • Newsletters
  • Receipts

When these predfined groups are created, we automatically scan your inbox for emails that match the group and add them to the group.

You can also decide to add or remove items from a group manually.

The benefit of using the static and group condition is that it doesn’t require any AI processing on every email, leading to greater efficiency and reliability.


Actions are the actions the AI will take when the condition is met. You can add multiple actions to a rule.

The AI can take the following actions:

  • Archive
  • Label
  • Reply
  • Forward
  • Send Email
  • Draft Email
  • Mark Spam

AI generated fields

You can use AI generated fields to further customize the actions, by toggling AI Generated to On, and then entering a prompt.

Automated Mode

When a rule is set to Automated, the AI will automatically apply the rule to your emails without asking for confirmation.

When Automated mode is disabled, the AI will not apply any actions, but the planned action will appear in the Planned tab where you can approve or reject the action.

Apply to Threads

By default, rules only run on the first email in a conversation. Enabling “Apply to Threads” extends the rule to all emails in the conversation, including replies.

When to use:

  • Enable for rules that should process every email in a conversation.
  • Keep disabled for rules handling specific email types (e.g., newsletters, receipts) that typically don’t require processing of replies.

Test Rules

You can test your rules by going to the Test tab.

This will show you a list of emails. When you click Test, the AI will run the rule against the email and show you which rule it matched against (if any).

You can also enter free-form text to test your rules.

Use your own API key

If you wish, you can use your own API key.

You can use OpenAI or Anthropic as your LLM provider.

Go to the settings page to set it up.

To create an OpenAI API key, visit:

To create an Anthropic API key, visit: